Forest of Dean - Not For Sale

The Forest of Dean is under threat as never before. Government plans to sell it off will limit access and destroy centuries of tradition. The mixed broad-leaf and conifer woodlands, so well managed by the Forestry Commission as an amenity for all, will be ruined. Please visit the Hands Off Our Forest campaign's web site and show your support by signing the petitions and attending the rally at Speech House on January 3rd. Please also visit 38degrees and sign the petition there. The local tory MP and cabinet minister's website is unavailable at the moment, presumably because it was full of promises to preserve the forest - something that is completely at odds with his new-found stance. You can read about him at this page though, and email him here. It's not just a local problem either - it's not just the Forest of Dean that's being proposed to be sold - it's ALL our forests.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, originally uploaded by Ben909.

Just wanted to wish a merry Christmas to everyone who takes the time to look at my photos. Thank you all for your very kind comments and support this year - it really is appreciated.